Species Name: Vernonia glauca
Common Name: Upland Ironweed
Zone: 5 to 8
Light: Full Sun to Light
Soil Moisture: Medium to Dry
Soil Types: Well drained Sand, Loam, Clay
Fertility: Rich to Medium to Poor
pH: 5 to 7.0
Bloom Time: August to
Habit: Upland Ironweed is an upright perennial growing from 3 to 5 ft tall and 2 to 4 ft wide.
Flowers produced in late summer on multiple strong stiff stems supporting broad inflorescences
composed of numerous deep purple florets. Flowers are attractive to numerous pollinators: butterflies,
moths, bees and wasps. Plants are indigenous to open upland woods, dry or mesic meadows, fields
roadsides from Pennsylvania south but will grow further north.